These shoes are great for weight loss!

Trimming & Toning
"I hadn't been able to jog or attend aerobic classes for years due to my knee surgery and excess weight. It really feels great to be able to exercise again and to have so much fun at the same time"

Forget Crazy Diets! While we stress the importance of eating a balanced diet, we are actually more concerned with adding a pleasurable, non strenuous exercise element to your life, with Kangoo Jumps.

University studies show clearly that you spend much more energy, or calories, using Kangoo Jumps, compared to usual sport shoes. However, this alone does not explain the dramatic weight loss stated by people who have been using Kangoo Jumps regularly.

The secret lies in the lymphatic system. The lymph is the liquid which circulates in-between our cells, to carry the wastes and toxins, out of our body, keeping it healthy.

Most of us are unaware that our bodies contain four times as much lymph fluid as blood. However our lymphatic system, which is also our immune system, does not have a pump, like the heart, to keep its liquid in motion. It depends on our natural movements for circulation! If we don't move enough, excess levels of toxin actually clutters our lymphatic system and "poisons" our cells. In some places the lymph fluid actually crystallizes into cellulite, which many of us know is hard to eliminate.

Using Kangoo Jumps for only a few minutes every day helps to develop that balance between food consumption and exercise. So forget crazy diets
Rebound exercise has been found to be the most effective way to "re-prime the pump" and keep it going, due to the up & down swinging in a low impact environment, like with Kangoo Jumps.

The lymphatic system also monitors our metabolism.

As we get older, we seem to put on more weight, which becomes harder and harder to lose.

Studies have shown that our base metabolic rate, which is the rate that our bodies burn calories, decreases as our lymphatic system becomes less efficient.

As we regularly use Kangoo Jumps, our base metabolic rate will become increasingly more efficient, resulting in noticeable improvements in our muscle tone, and weight management. In fact, we are actually re-training each cell to perform as it did when we were younger. Once we have re-set our metabolism, we will burn more calories at a higher rate, and will not regain weight, if we continue using Kangoo Jumps.

Your daily gentle workout will be most enjoyable listening to music. You can learn Kangoo Jumps basic steps and much more from our video "Home Fitness & Weight Loss".